Сычева А.Э. Грамматические средства выразительности речи в повести Генри Джеймса поворот Винта» // Международный журнал гуманитарных и естественных наук. — 2016. — №2. — С. 84-86.

грамматические средства выразительности речи в повести Генри Джеймса «Поворот винта»


А.Э. Сычева, студент

Научный руководитель: Н.Н. Клещина, канд. пед. наук, доцент

Московский государственный университет технологий и управления им. К.Г. Разумовского

(Россия, г. Старая Купавна)


Аннотация. В этой статье исследуются грамматические способы выражения эмоциональных средств, которые используются в произведении Генри Джеймса «Поворот винта». Раскрыты причины их использования и описания для достижения более глубоко понимания книги и авторской речи. Показаны грамматические и лексические приемы, чтобы выделить значительные события, происходящие в книге.

Ключевые слова: грамматические, глагол, существительное, прилагательное, интенсификатор.



Every author has his own grammatical ways of expressing emotional means, which characterize speech more vivid, and emphatically. The main purpose of these means is to underline, excrete and definitely represent feelings, thoughts, behavior, emotional condition of the characters and atmosphere surrounding them. It is extremely important to show all of this to readers that they will be able fully dive in the world created by the author, appreciate its versatility and experience complete gratification of the book.

Henry James in his book «The turn of the screw», which is utterly specific according to its lexical, syntactic and grammatical structure, used variety emotional and expressive means of speech such as phraseological units, collocations, metaphors, symbolism, imagery, allegory, inversion, lexical repetition, epithets, infinite range of synonyms and antonyms to focus our attention on the most significant events or actions taking place in this book.

To prove my point of view it is necessary to single out and analyze a few of these means in his peculiar speech.

The first example will be applying phraseological units. In prologue, we can see the line «“The story will tell,” I took upon myself to reply». Here we can mention that speaker took the lead in replying by means of the phrase «I took upon myself to reply». The phrasal verb is used here to give greater value to the narrator. Moreover, with the help of simple sentence with Future Indefinite «the story will tell» author demonstrates us that this story is quiet unique, independent and the narrator is just a guide who opens the door to it. Furthermore by this expression Henry James, evidently, states the fact that the story should be told by an extraneous witness, observer.

Another employment of phrasal verb is «The departing ladies who had said they would stay didn’t, of course, thank heaven, stay: they departed, in consequence of arrangements made, in a rage of curiosity, as they professed, produced by the touches with which he had already worked us up». The expression «worked us up» represents that the listeners have already been extremely intrigued. The purpose of this locution is to highlight the genuine interest of all the present.

One more phraseological unit we can meet in the compound sentence connected to the conjunction «and» with the adverb «yet» «That he might was an awful conception, and yet, somehow, I could keep it at bay; which, moreover, as we lingered there, was what I succeeded in practically proving». By using the statement «keep it at bay», the author demonstrates the absolute determination of the governess before and now that attaches superior significance to her words. Furthermore, here we see two modal verbs «might» and «could». The first in this occasion expresses that the governess is not enough sure about Quint’s conception and the second shows that she is ready to straggle with all her strength. Additionally, the adverbs «practically» and «somehow» serve as an intensificators to make the sentence much more colorful in emotional way.

According to intensificators I would like to draw attention to the Mrs. Grose’s phrase «Quint was so clever—he was so deep”». The adverb «so» performs this function besides it is repeated twice. It is certainly let us know about her attitude to Quint. She is scared in some way, but Mrs. Grose speaks about him using Past Continuous tense that reflects her disbelieve in his existence rather in his apparition. [Gurevich V.V. 2012, p. 54]

It is also necessary to mention a few exclamations. We can observe one of them in chapter six when the governess cries «“I know, I know, I know!”» it is simple exclamatory sentence that shows us how exalted she was and then she again replicates this word, as a way of conviction, in a phrase «“And you know, my dear!”» to make Mrs. Grose think that she (Mrs. Grose) knows that Peter Quint was looking for Miles. The governess calls Mrs. Grose employing possessive pronoun with adjective «my dear» revealing her tenderness to Mrs. Grose.

Next exclamation submitted by the simple clause is « “And you could bear it!”». The governess was deeply excited and shocked by Quint’s and Mrs. Grose behavior. In her speech we meet the verb «could» which suggests us that Mrs. Grose managed to bear all awful things were provided with Quint’s presents. Mrs. Grose replies «“No. I couldn’t—and I can’t now!”». She uses the verb «could» too but in negative form disclaiming governess’s statement and adding the verb «can» also in negative form which specifies her present state and inability to resist.

A further example «“He never told me!”» is represented as the simple exclamatory sentence more than that here the speaker applies Past Indefinite tense instead of Present Perfect tense suppresses any opportunity to know the truth about Miss Jessel’ s death. The adverb «never» just increases this effect. After that, Mrs. Grose says «“But please, Miss, I must get to my work.”» conjunction «but» presents at the beginning of the clause evidences of informal speech. We should notice here the modal verb «must» which proves us her own decision to get back to work.

In first chapters, the governess often uses the words «charming» and «childish» introduced by adjectives with suffixesing and ish, in children’s description of their appearance or behavior that means that she is under great, positive and fascinating impression by the children. For example, in the chapter two we can meet «with a great childish light» two adjectives before the noun which make this «light» stronger according to its structure and emotionally vivid. While the culmination is taking place in the novel, she applies more down to earth, cold designations for descriptive aim, either predominantly calls their names, practically eliminates any diminutive forms. However, the noun «prodigy» or the adjective «prodigious» more frequently appears in governess speech and at the end of the novel, she cannot help using this word. This is an indication of her infinite hope, her believe in a miracle and favorable termination. For example, in the chapter nineteen the governess says «the prodigious character of the feat for a little girl» the adjective «prodigious» and the noun «character» form collocation, which by means of the genitive proposition «of» reinforces the noun «feat» and makes it more grandiose in comparison with the «little girl». The adjective «little» diminishes her more than she actually is, so it is crystal clear that here we run into the contrast «the prodigious character» and «little girl». [Antrushina G.B. 1999, p. 130]

In conclusion, I would like to say that this novel is saturated with not only various mysterious events but also numerous, diverse, grammatical ways of expressing emotional means. The assistance of which is necessary for better understanding and measuring the author’s ideas.


Библиографический список

1. Антрушина Г.Б., Афанасьева О.В., Морозова Н.Н. Лексикология английского языка. Учеб. пособие для студентов. М.: Дрофа, 1999. – 288 с.

2. Афанасьев П.А. Теоретическая грамматика английскою языка (учебное пособие). Т.: «Эсперо», 2001 128 с.

3. Гуревич В.В. Практическая грамматика английского языка. Учеб. пособие.  М.: Флинта-Наука, 2009. – 296 с.



Grammatical ways of expressing emotional means used by Henry James in the novel «The turn of the screw»


A.E. Sycheva, student

Supervisor: N.N. Kleschina, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor

Moscow state university of technologies and management. K.G. Razumovsky

(Russia, Stary Kupavna)


Abstract. In this article under the investigation are some grammatical ways of expressing emotional means, which are used by Henry James in his novel «The turn of the screw». The reasons of their employing and descriptions are shown to achieve deeper understanding of the book along with author’s speech. Grammatical and lexical receptions are opened to demonstrate significant moments proceeding in the book.

Keywords: grammatical, verb, noun, adjective, intensifier.